Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PEDRO posted

I don't know if it is the first post, but...Hello everybody, here is me! I think... And my job is talk about movies like everybody else should do.
My work today is talk about "The Young Frankestein", of Mel Brooks. This is a film of 1974, and is the "BEST COMEDY THAT I EVER SEE IN MY LIFE!!!"
The story is about a doctor that is the grandsoon of the famous Doc.Frankenstein, and he is invited to get the position of his grandpa in the castle. In there, the comedy rolls out (like Optimus Prime) and is transformed in a classic because of the fun and everybody laughts.
I'ts a high-lighted recommended movie, thanks for your atention and see you next week!

Here is the IMDB site of young Frankestein, have fun!

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